APAC at the 'The Digital Laboratory: management and aggregation of scientific archaeological and heritage data' online workshop by ARIADNE Plus

APAC Researchers presented at the virtual Scientific Data Workshop of ARIADNE Plus 'Digital Laboratory: Management and Aggregation of Scientific Archaeological and Heritage Data' a talk about ' The Cyprus Institute scientific data'. The presentation described the sort of scientific data the Cyprus Institute produces, using small terracotta statuettes as an example. The metadata was covered in detail with CYI's proposed approach which includes 3D visualisation to integrate all multi-disciplinary Apac data.

ARIADNEplus held a virtual Scientific Data Workshop which introduced the project aims and focussed upon the challenges presented by scientific data and the solutions being developed by the project to integrate such data with related archaeological information into the Portal. Over 60 people joined the session in which Achille Felicetti explained how a new application profile, CRMhs (i.e. a CRM extension for Heritage Science), seeks to address these challenges through the harmonization of existing ontologies. CRMhs allows for the sharing and integrating of scientific data as well as a conceptual guide for creating archives. Work actually started in 2016 with the PARTHY Taskforce and was taken up by E-RIHS and ARIADNEplus who followed a tried and tested process (i.e. requirements, scenarios to define a Heritage Science workflow and identify the key components) for the realisation of CRMhs – it is hoped that this will become an international standard.

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