APAC Labs' research is featured alongside major scientific discoveries in art masterpieces- if you're interested in discovering the magic behind these hidden portraits
Workshop: Heritage at Risk and Digital Responses
1st Public Forum Organized by the Europa Nostra Heritage Hub in Nicosia ‘Citizens’ Engagement in Preserving Cultural Heritage’
“How to get involved” video published at ECHOES platform
APAC Labs Participates in the GRAPHIA project
APAC Labs’ Dendrochronological Research Highlighted in Council for British Research in the Levant Lecture Series
Advancing Digital Cultural Heritage with the Collaboration of the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) at the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign
“Unseen Gaze: The Hidden Portrait Under Titian's Ecce Homo": Exhibition Presenting CyI Research a Great Success, Receives Worldwide Media Attention
“Unseen Gaze: Discovering an Unknown Work by Titian”: CyI Research Presented at Exhibition in Limassol
Upcoming lecture: Dendroarchaeology and Monastic Heritage: Unearthing the Past at Sourp Magar of the Kyrenia Range, Cyprus
Congratulations to our colleague Raphaël Moreau on the successful defense of his doctoral thesis !
Discover our Team’s 2024 Achievements and Major Contributions to Cultural Heritage Research.
Unseen Gaze – The Hidden Portrait under Titian’s Ecce Homo | Exhibition and Research
ECHOES Announces High-Level Policy Event and Workshop to Launch the Cultural Heritage Cloud
Research Program and Digital Library Presentation: “History and Culture of Dress in Cyprus from the 16th to the 20th centuries: Greek Cypriots, Turkish Cypriots and Armenians”
Collaborative Interdisciplinary Research on Byzantine and Medieval Cyprus by APAC Labs / STARC presented at the American School of Classical Studies at Athens by Nikolas Bakirtzis
International Day against Illicit Trafficking in Cultural Property
CyI PhD students present APAC Labs research at Columbia University’s Center for the Ancient Mediterranean
APAC Labs at the the International Conference on Museum Big Data 2024
APAC Labs participated in the International Training Course on Post-Crisis Recovery of Cultural Heritage
APAC Labs at the International Italian-Egyptian Workshop on Advances in Documentation, Digitization, and Information Technology on Heritage.
ARCHE 2nd Member States and Associated Countries Workshop takes place in Rome on 3 December 2024 Building the Research and Innovation Alliance on Cultural Heritage
APAC Labs researcher Mehmet Ozerenler at the 2024 World Neolithic Congress
RIK’s “Σπίτι στη Φύση” (House in Nature) features APAC Labs research
APAC Labs contributed to the latest issue of Les Nouvelles de l'archéologie issue n° 175.
APAC Labs researcher Nicolette Levy was named a Summer Research Fellow of the Medieval Academy of America’s 2024 Mentoring Program
Digital documentation of a prehistoric village at Marki Alonia in central Cyprus
APAC Labs participates in the Blended Intensive Programme “Unveiling Medieval Monastic Dynamics”
Upcoming Talk: “A Closer Look: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Byzantine and Medieval Cyprus”
APAC Labs attends the first Anchise Demonstration event
Upcoming Talk: Διεπιστημονικές Προσεγγίσεις στη Μεσαιωνική και Αναγεννησιακή Τέχνη
ARCHE Project Launches Broad Consultation on Strategic Research & Innovation Agenda for Cultural Heritage
ARCHE Member States and Associated Countries Workshop To Explore Opportunities for International Cooperation
APAC Labs at the International Conference “Climate Crisis in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East”
The Mysteries of the Frontier Fortresses of Eastern Mediterranean: The SEABORD project
New Publication on Aleppo’s Built Environment and Heritage
APAC Labs at the International Conference ‘La lettera e il leone. Contextualising Epigraphic Landscapes across the Venetian Stato da mar'
Columbia University and the Cyprus Institute Co-organize Study Seminar in Cyprus
APAC Labs in the General Assembly of ARIADNE RI AISBL
European Heritage Days - ANCHISE
APAC Labs Researcher Rahaf Orabi recently published a paper titled "Decoding urban evolution: A parametric reconstruction of the Old City of Aleppo between the mamluk and the post-war city"
ECHOES Launch event at the Castle of Chambord, France, on the 9th September 2024
APAC at the latest issue of Diorama journal
APAC Labs at at the Center for Advanced Studies "Migration and Mobility in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages" at the University of Tübingen and Gordon Research Conferences: Frontiers of Science
The Digital Aposphragisma of Hagionymous Islands pilot-project
CyI’s Graduation Ceremony Honors Master’s and PhD Achievements of APAC Team Members
ARCHE 2nd Stakeholders’ Workshop
APAC Labs in ANCHISE: Protecting Europe's Cultural Treasures
APAC Labs collaborates with Pancyprian Gymnasium on its historic collections
APAC Labs in ECHOES: European Cloud for Heritage OpEn Science project
APAC Labs at the final multiplier event for the DCBox Project
APAC Labs at the Conservation Laboratory of the Museum of Kykkos Monastery
Building Tree-Ring Chronologies for Cyprus
Old Masters at the Château de Chantilly in France
Rediscovering Titian's Ecce Homo through Art and Science
Artists’ studio tour: Elina Ioannou and Yiannis Yiannis
APAC Labs and A. G. Leventis Gallery celebrate International Museum Day with an interactive workshop
ARCHE Workshop and Meetings in Berlin Address “Resilient Cultural Heritage in Times of Climate Crisis
Assoc. Prof. Sorin Hermon Co-winner of Data 2022 Best Paper Award
APAC at the kick-off meeting for the Horizon Europe ATRIUM (Advancing Frontier Research in the Arts and Humanities) project
APAC contributed to the latest volume of ITAL
The 3D virtual refitting of the Palaikastro Kouros
Digitizing the Koutrafas Watermill: Preserving Cyprus' Mill Heritage
APAC Labs presents at ANCHISE Talks - Webinar Series.
APAC researchers published the first findings on the wooden heritage of the UNESCO Painted Churches of the Troodos using the systematic study of tree rings
New Publication on Byzantine Cities Highlights APAC Labs Research
APAC contributed to the proceedings of the 46th Annual Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology.
4CH Interviews – Nikolas Bakirtzis in conversation with Agni Petridou
APAC contributed to the volume ‘The New Swedish Cyprus Expedition (The Söderberg Expedition) volume.
4CH Interviews – Sorin Hermon in conversation with Androulla Vassiliou
APAC at the Journal of Cultural Heritage
APAC contributed to the book "Graffiti Scratched, Scrawled, Sprayed: Towards a Cross-Cultural Understanding''
APAC in the 'International Data Aggregation for Archaeological Research and Heritage Management: the ARIADNE experience’ issue
APAC in the ‘Journal of Computing and Cultural Heritage.’
APAC contributed to the volume ‘The Decline of Bronze Age Civilisations in the Mediterranean: Cyprus and Beyond.’
APAC Labs researchers at the “Byzantine Forests” workshop hosted by the Cornell Tree-ring Laboratory
APAC Labs donates 3D Replica of UNESCO Chapel to the Church of Cyprus
ARCHE Consortium Meets in Paris to Set the Stage for the Project’s Second Year of Implementation
APAC at the EUROPEANATECH 2023 Conference: Explore, Engage, Experience: Cultural Heritage in the Data Space and Beyond
APAC collaborator Erato Hadjisavva: The first woman rector of ASKT after 186 years of operation
APAC at the latest issue of Diorama journal
4CH Interview about the preservation of endangered sites in Europe and beyond
ANCHISE workshop on users’ needs and gaps in the currentTechnologies, Tools and Methods (TTM) offer
Unlocking the Mysteries of Ancient Andean Wooden Boards: A Multidisciplinary Journey at the Museo delle Culture of Milan (MUDEC)
Preserving Cultural Heritage in Times of Conflict: Training Course Focuses on Protection of Intangible Heritage
European Heritage Days - ANCHISE
APAC Labs researchers contributed to the CrimART project
Public Lecture: Deciphering the Engraved Crosses in the Holy Sepulcher - Saint Helena Chapel
APAC at the “Digital Archiving in Archaeology: The State of the Art II”
3D Visualization of the Cenacle in Jerusalem
APAC at the latest issue of Novensia journal
Bringing Back to Life the Ariño Dinosaur Fossils in Spain
Research at the Dromolaxia-Vyzakia site (Hala Sultan Tekke)
Alexandria’s Shatby Necropolis now accessible to the public
Congratulations to our new STARC Ph.D. Despina Papacharalambous
4CH Pilot Case: Ayios Ioannis Lampadistis Monastery
APAC at the UNESCO DAYS in Kalopanagiotis (Greek Tour)
Cyprus Dendrochronology Laboratory (CDL) in Troodos
APAC at the latest volume of Art Matters journal
APAC contributed to the volume "Breaking Images. Damage and Mutilation of Ancient Figurines''
APAC at the international conference "Alexandria and Hellenism in Northern Egypt''
Launch Event - La lettera e il Leone: Venetian Epigraphs on Cyprus
4CH Interview about the protection of the Natural and Cultural Heritage of Cyprus
Tracing History at the Monastery of St. John Lampadistis: Sharing APAC / STARC Research at Kalopanagiotis
Tracing History at the Monastery of St. John Lampadistis
APAC at the Fourth International Conference on Byzantine and Medieval Studies
Nikolas Bakirtzis talk on “New Tools, Old Tales: Frontiers and Contexts for Heritage Research”
APAC Labs at ARCHE General Assembly
APAC at at the 2023 Maritime Archaeology Graduate Symposium
ARTES at the Investor Day organized by the egg - enter.grow.go
APAC Labs Researcher Named Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of London
Kick-off Meeting for ANCHISE Project
APAC Laboratories at the La Gazette Drouot
APAC Labs: Celebrating Three Years of Achievements
Congratulations to our new STARC/Lund University Ph.D. Valentina Vassallo
APAC labs part of Heritage Research Hub
STARC and APAC Labs Researchers Participated in the 22nd CIRG Conference 2022
Symposium Old Masters, New Tools: Science and Technology Approaches to Art History
The Head of Philanthropy at Mohari visited ARTES
Recapturing the Spirit of the Old Nicosia Airport (NIC Project): Official Launch of the NIC Platform
STARC/APAC researchers featured in the brand-new documentary “Ο Κουρος του Παλαικάστρου” (the Kouros of Palaikastro)
SIGNIFICANCE Project at Joint Union Actions Event for DG HOME
Dendrochronology lab features at CyBC
APAC Researchers at Alexandria for the documentation of Hypogeum A in Shatby
CyI and the Fondation des Sciences du Patrimoine (FSP) Sign MoU for Preservation of Cultural Heritage
Interdisciplinary research at the UNESCO painted churches in the Troodos Region: Digital and Dendrochronological approaches
APAC labs research on graffiti heritage contributes a unique gift to Pope Francis
CYI researchers participate in 4CH Interviews
Louvre Museum Experts Collaborate with CyI Researchers on Conservation of Works of Art
APAC Labs hosted the Kick-off meeting of DIGIGRAF: DIGItizing GRAFfiti - methodology definition for the study of Cypriot Historic Graffiti
ARTES at the Cyprus Seeds Event
CyI Researchers Create Replica of a Votive Relief from the Archaeological Site of Golgoi in Cyprus Using Advanced Digital Methods
STARC/APAC Researchers Participate in 3D Documentation and Digital Analysis of the Kouros of Palaikastro
Talk about The Modigliani Project: Artistic Techniques and Practices
TREE workshop with the Department of Forests and Antiquities
TREE site visit at Panagia of Asinou
APAC Researcher Valentina Vassalo at the Open Science Fair conference
APAC participates at ''International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East'' (ICAANE)
CyI’s (APAC) Researchers Create Replica of a Medieval Metal Cross of the Maronite Church of the Holy Cross in Karpasia
APAC at the online workshop ''Scratched, Scrawled, Sprayed: Towards a Cross-Cultural Research on Graffiti''
APAC at the conference "Mobility in the Eastern Mediterranean in the axis Asia Minor, Cyprus, Egypt, 19th-20th centuries. Current and new Approaches"
Virtual Kick-Off Meeting for the 4CH Project
Kick Off Meeting for the EU “SIGNIFICANCE” Project on Prevention of Illicit Trafficking of Cultural Goods
CyI Participates in the ‘4CH’ Project to Design a European Competence Centre for the Conservation of Cultural Heritage
APAC to support ERASMUS+ K2 for challenges in online CH teaching and learning
APAC at the 'The Digital Laboratory: management and aggregation of scientific archaeological and heritage data' online workshop by ARIADNE Plus
CyI Researchers Secure Funding for Important EU Project on Prevention of Illicit Trafficking of Cultural Goods
APAC participates at MBD 2020 - 2nd International Conference on Museum Big Data
Dendrochronological study and analysis of the iconostasis doors the Monastery of Agia Napa
APAC Publication: Giovanni Baronzio's 'Crucifixion': Analytical approaches and art historical considerations
Kick-off Meeting for the EU “SHIELD” Project for Safeguarding Heritage
Studio documentation for the digital library of Artists' studios in Cyprus
Dendrochronological study and analysis of Virgin Mary icon, Monastery of Agia Napa
Survey of the church of Stavros tou Agiasmati in Platanistasa
Raphael and His Workshop: The “Digital” Loggia of Cupid and Psyche in the Villa Farnesina (Webinar)
Dr. Mia Trentin talk at Enrico Fermi Lecture Series – How Global Crisis Will Change the Places Where we Live (Webinar)
APAC participates at the Cyprus Institute sCYence Fair 2020
CyI's “SHIELD” Project Ranked First in Europe for the JPICH Conservation, Protection and Use Joint Call
Associate Professor Nikolas Bakirtzis directs the “Mount Menoikeion Seminar” Organized by the Seeger Center in Hellenic Studies of Princeton University
Third International Conference On Byzantine And Medieval Studies
Lecture ''Time, History and Climate in Cyprus: the Cyprus Dendrochronology Laboratory and recent progress'' by Dr. Sturt Manning
APAC at the 2nd International Congress on Archaeological Sciences in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East
STARC ‘Cyprus Dendrochronology Lab’ (CDL) studies UNESCO Byzantine and Medieval Troodos Churches
Inauguration Ceremony of the Andreas Pittas Characterization Laboratories
Lecture on El Greco by Prof. Fernando Marias and visit to APAC Labs/ STARC
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