In collaboration with the Andreas Pittas Art Characterization Laboratories (APAC Labs) of The Cyprus Institute, artists Elina Ioannou and Yiannis Yianni opened their studio for an immersive and interdisciplinary artist tour on Saturday. The exclusive event was part of APAC Labs' new research project, “Artists’ Studios”, which documents the workspaces of artists using digital technologies to study the dynamic relationship between creators and spatial settings.
The tour provided a unique opportunity to delve into the creative space of artist Elina Ioannou and sculptor Yiannis Yiannis. Yiannis Yiannis, one of the few stone carvers left on the island, works with the local stone, a calcarenous material. Elina, a visual artist, who studied Fine Arts in France, works with different media and techniques, and in the past few years has introduced direct stone carving into her body of work.
Visitors had the opportunity to experience how both artists interact with their studio environment, while APAC Labs presented the methodology and a documentary film capturing the relationship between the artists and their workspaces, illustrating the evolution of their work, from initial inspiration to final creation.
During the tour, Elina Ioannou and Yiannis Yiannis shared their thoughts and approaches to the materiality of Cypriot stones in their artistic practice. They discussed their mediums and demonstrated the use of specialized machinery, providing to the visitors with valuable insights into the world of stone carving.
The event was organized on the occasion of the Exhibition “THERELIEFS” at Pylon Art & Culture.