APAC pursue its commitment to the reduction of COVID-19 impact specifically in the field of education. EDiTor’s objectives are to tackle the digital illiteracy of humanities teaching staff in universities in different Mediterranean countries, researching how (or if) they are adapting their teaching to the new online context and engaging teaching staff in exploring the different possibilities of blended teaching, communicating and assessing the student’s level of understanding and degree of engagement with the learning system through specific open educational resources. Based on our previous extensive work and research concerned with the implementation of contemporary technologies in Historical Landscapes research, the Cyprus Institute-APAC team will lead the Visual content creation and acquisition and the complementary digital Library design, reflecting the most innovative and effective methods and tools currently used for the study of European Historical Landscapes and more generally Cultural Heritage.
Thanks to the large experience of STARC in the development, introduction and use of advanced science and technologies in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, including the domains of digital cultural heritage, heritage in historic cities and cultural landscapes, scientific visualisation, and virtual and augmented reality of the built environment this team will be able to create cutting edge material to be included in the course. Other participants can contribute with material from previous projects or support the Cyprus team in creating new material in their own geographical areas.
New ERASMUS+ K2 to support challenges in online CH teaching and learning
EDiTor - Learning how to Teach, Teaching how to Learn. Facing Challenges of Global Change in Higher Education Using Digital Tools for Reflective, Critical and Inclusive Learning on European Historical Landscapes.
Starting date: 1.3.2021
Duration: 24 months
Consortium: University of Zagreb (coord.), University of Padua, University of Granada, The Cyprus Institute