APAC Labs achievements are in good company being at the forefront of global research in the study and discovery of hidden secrets beneath iconic work of art. The interdisciplinary study of Titian’s Ecce Homo is prominently featured in a recent BBC Culture article about the use of science in the discovery of portraits under painting masterpieces.
Specifically, the research work of the APAC Labs team which mapped and uncovered the materiality of a hidden portrait of an unknown man under Titian’s Ecco Homo was presented in an article published by the BBC earlier this week with the title “'Something stirring beneath the surface': What eight ghostly portraits found hidden inside masterpieces reveal”.
The article presents the discovery of portraits hiding beneath the surface of works by masters like Pablo Picasso, Artemisia Gentileschi, Van Gogh, Rembrandt, Seurat, Modigliani, Caravaggio and Magritte. These artworks were studied using advanced spectroscopy, reflectography and radiography methods, with the research of APAC Labs being at the forefront of innovation.
Read the BBC article here.
Read more about APAC Labs research on Titian’s Ecce Homo here.