Mia Trentin

+357 22 208749

Mia studied Medieval History and Archaeology at the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice where she obtained also her PhD in European Social History from the Middle Ages to the Present times, focusing her research on written and epigraphic sources. From September 2018 she is part of STARC staff, with a joint post-doc with the NCSA-University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. Her work develops in two fields: the implementation of digital tools for document, catalogue, analyse and study graffiti, and the global analysis of the phenomenon in the eastern Mediterranean region. Her main interest is the written culture and models exchanges, mainly through sea and land routes in Eastern Mediterranean. She is currently working on Cyprus graffiti, with a special focus in mapping and tracing the phenomenon in the island emphasizing the ‘shared shrines’ (attended by both, Christian and Muslims) and the presence of different communities within the island.  Furthermore, she is investigating pilgrimages’ and economic routes connecting Italy with Holy Land, passing through Cyprus. Within this project she focused on Venice, investigating the Saint Marks’ graffiti, and Bari, with the church of Saint Nikolas and the shrines of Monte Sant’Angelo.

Research interests: Historic graffiti, Written and visual culture, Eastern Mediterranean mobility, Digital Humanities, Graffiti methodology

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